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Kode: 75316418215100981



2 855.15 $

*Exkl. MWST

Aktualisiert 10.02.2025
Elektro  und Holzbeiheizter Saunaofen kombiniert

Enthält keine Saunasteine - Saunasteine

Rohre sind in der Lieferung nicht enthalten: Sauna Rauchrohre / Sauna Schornsteine

The Laavu electrically operated stove and the Laavu combined sauna stove warmed by either electricity or wood. Environmentally friendly with less energy consumption combined with soft and even steam. The Laavu sauna stove has timeless design. The sauna bench height may easily be lowered or even removed completely, due to the steam producing surface almost reaching the floor, enabling the sauna to be warmed from the floor to ceiling.The interior of the Laavu stove has researched and patented technology, that ensures long life and efficiency for the stove and that makes the Laavu sauna stove environmentally friendly. The well-known heat storing characteristic of soapstone along with the unusually large stone mass will dry the sauna effectively after use, removing any damp problems such as mould. The Laavu electric sauna stove can easily be warmed by turning the knob or you can choose the combined Laavu sauna stove warmed by either electricity or wood. The special Laavu sauna stone, soapstone, is unrivalled in storing heat and it assures refreshing, soft and enjoyable steam for your sauna. The Laavu sauna stove warms up quickly with low energy and wood consumption.

Saunaöfen Technische Details
Eigenschaftsname Wert
Produktcode 10099R
Ofenleistung, kW 9,0
Min - max Saunakabinengröße, m3 7 - 13
Maße (HxBxT),mm 1240 / 500 / 470
Gewicht, kg 94
Steinkammer, max. (kg) 56
Sicherheitsabstände (Decke / Seiten) 700 / 300
Netzspannung / -Phase 400V 3N
Sicherung A 3 x 16
Anschlusskabel (mm2) 5 x 2,5
Steuergerät Eingebaut
Fassungsvermögen des Wassertanks (l) 0
Steine Enthält keine Saunasteine

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