BWT - Bio Water Technique

Sauna Reinvented

Experience a new multilayered sauna

Helo have trail-blazed the sauna industry for almost one hundred years. The time has come to introduce the only multilayered sauna experience on the market. A new dimension in modern sauna solutions. A new dawn in sauna engineering. Try the new BWT, Bio Water Technique from Helo.

Kick-start your Biohacking

It is a proven fact that different kinds of sauna therapies can be used to biohack your body and promote better health. The new BWT-ready sauna from Helo provides several sauna experiences in one single solution.

One heater, multiple sensations

BWT from Helo means several sauna experiences in one solution. Enjoy your favorite sauna alone or share different sauna experiences with family and friends. With a BWT-ready sauna heater from Helo, it is all possible. The flexibility of BWT from Helo means several opportunities for a pleasurabe sauna experience.

Gentle sauna

Add water to BWT-container, set temperature to:


Gentle sauna
Enveloping steam
Longer sessions
Bio-aroma available



Fill BWT water container and set temperature to:


More humidity
Lower temperature
A gentle sauna experience
Bio-aroma available


Hot and dry sauna

Use BWT without water and set temperature to:


High temperature
Low humidity
Intense sauna sensation


Keeping CO 2 emissions to a minimum and your pleasure at a maximum

Helo BWT is a cost effective and highly energy efficient sauna solution. Steam generation happens without any auxiliary power or added technology. One intelligent sauna solution allows you to enjoy your favorite sauna experience from a single sauna and steam solution. The ingenuity that has gone into developing BWT has resulted in an innovation keeping CO2 emissions to a minimum and your pleasure at a maximum.


Premium BWT heaters

Pro BWT heaters

Available now on SaunaInter!