1. What is a shopping cart and how can I use it?
2. If the price for the product isn’t indicated or you can’t see it, what should you do?
3. How can I get an additional discount for my order?
4. Where can I see the price for delivery?
5. How can I get free delivery?
6. What methods of payment do you accept?
7. How do I make a purchase?
8. How can I find out about the status of my order?
9. How will the delivery of the products I purchased take place?
10. Are the products covered by warranty?
11. Why can my order be cancelled?
12. What is „Search“ and how does it work?
13. What is „Extended search“ and how does it work?
14. What are „Accompanying products“?
15. How can I compare products?
16. What is the difference between a private customer and a corporate customer?
17. How can I become your dealer or wholesale buyer?